Disney on Broadway, located in the heart of New York City’s iconic theater district, offers students an unforgettable journey into the world of live theater and performance. Featuring beloved Disney stories brought to life on stage, these productions combine spectacular sets, stunning costumes, and powerful performances to create a one-of-a-kind educational and artistic experience.
Teachers planning a field trip to Disney on Broadway can expect their students to be captivated by performances of popular shows like The Lion King, Aladdin, and Frozen. Each production showcases Disney’s signature blend of imaginative storytelling, cutting-edge stagecraft, and award-winning music. From elaborate puppetry to jaw-dropping special effects, these productions set the standard for Broadway excellence.
Disney Theatrical offers educational programs designed to align with curriculum standards in the arts, language arts, and theater studies. Workshops and behind-the-scenes experiences give students a deeper understanding of the theatrical production process, including set design, choreography, lighting, and sound. Programs are led by Broadway professionals and encourage students to engage in discussions about creativity, collaboration, and the technical aspects of live performance.
Teachers have access to a range of educational resources, including study guides, pre-show materials, and activities that connect the Broadway experience to classroom learning. Whether studying the music, narrative structure, or technical elements, these materials help enhance students’ understanding of theater as both an art form and a form of storytelling.